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Monthly Archives: August 2018

“Philosophy: Responding to the 21st Century’s Challenges and Prospects”


 “Philosophy: Responding to the 21st Century’s Challenges and Prospects”


The objective of this culminating activity is for the students to produce a high-quality documentary film about how Philosophy responds to the 21st Century’s challenges and prospects. The documentary film should showcase the student’s awareness towards rising local or global challenges that are affecting the world and apply Philosophy’s concepts and tools to respond to these challenges. Furthermore, this culminating activity will serve as a platform for students to showcase their documentaries and simulate an academic event that aims to discuss the current issues in the 21st century.











Refugees are forced out of their own countries because of circumstances that are unbearable. They risk their lives to find safe shelters and protection from danger.

What Makes Live Worth Living?










How to deal with mental health challenges? DLSU students offer their insights

What is Good or Evil?  Or do they even exist?




DLSU students’ present a nuanced take on the problem of good and evil

The Problem of Knowledge



Fake News and other Fakery in Social Media:  What are they and What do they do?

Freedom and Threats to Freedom


DLSU students offer their insights on the meaning of freedom, and the threats to freedom, in the 21st century

The Problem of Consciousness

DLSU students reflect on the prevalent and persistent inequalities in Philippine society that have caused immense material sufferings on the majority of its people